Channel: Love Withstanding
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: lovecouplemixed racequestionssarahpandemicvirusissuesmomentdramainterracialfilipinojustincontroversialmaskwithstandingblasiandaycaretopicssudanesemost askedasianblackcoronavirusisolationgirlkoreanconcernswaiting forburningfaqssabrinaafricanbabyvlogquarantinecovid 19multiculturalfamilydaughterfirstchildparents
Description: Justin and Sarah answer your most asked questions, and clarify a few controversial topics (with a special cameo of little Sabrina). 00:45 1.Why aren't you guys wearing a mask? 05:14 2.Don't send your kids to daycare? 06:41 3.Was dayhome operator's husband sick? 07:43 4 Don't go outside at all? 14:04 5.How come you are not wearing your ring? 15:49 6.Are you teaching Sabrina multiple languages? 18:24 7.Where's your sunglasses from? 19:47 8.Any update on Justin's parents? 24:36 9.Do Justin's parents know about the second pregnancy? 24:50 10.Do they know about the Youtube channel? 29:00 11.Has Justin contacted his family? 29:38 12.Why does Justin keep subjecting Sarah to his family's negativity? 30:52 13.Who does Sabrina look like? 32:08 14.Why does Justin keep subjecting Sarah to his family's negativity? 32:47 15.Why Justin doesn't communicate more with his parents?